Case Study: Content production scale-up for an article directory

Automated Content Delivery using AI


name obfuscated – some of the aspects of article directories fall within the “greyhat SEO” realm. Part of our work is sensitive, that’s why we always have NDAs in place, and your data is safe with us unless you specifically agree to share your story for a case study.


A large multi-topic article directory was looking for a way to facilitate their content production scale-up rapidly without losing quality. All content had to be SEO-driven as they mainly relied upon Google to drive traffic.


We had a very narrow timeframe because the client had to meet certain volume criteria to qualify for a lucrative video-advertising partnership deal. Stuffing the site with spun content was not an option because we had to deliver top quality content, only at a much larger scale.

The initial setup was: one editor, two sub-editors, a team of 10 outsourced content writers. The volume of work they could get through was very limited and they were clearly anxious and overworked.

We planned and implemented all aspects of the new operation:

  1. Split the content production team in
    1. Keyword researchers
    2. Brief writers
    3. Content writers
    4. Fact checkers
  2. Hired the required number of headcount into each sub-team according to a model (just a Google Sheet containing a reverse-engineering of the planned output). We used a mix of LinkedIn and Workable to source the talent.
  3. Introduced simple but detailed processes for keyword research and brief writing. We settled for SEMrush and SurferSEO to help the new staff members carry out these tasks. When properly laid out, the steps are easy to follow for non-SEO people.
  4. Trained the content writers to use artificial intelligence writing tool. This helped maintain the volume, alleviate the staff while still ensuring the quality. The content that was written by the AI tool was then finished by content writers and tweaked by fact checkers. This two-fold human treatment of AI content produced brilliant results.
  5. We also kept the aforementioned model in check to make sure all teams deliver to their weekly goals and that the whole operation in profitable.

AI-enhanced Content Production Take-aways:

Is it possible to deliver high quality SEO content by using AI tools? Yes, absolutely but there is a caveat. AI content quality is inconsistent and it depends on various factors – like, how well the AI bot is trained on this specific topic. Or how well the bot interprets your instructions. The key to success is multi-faceted. Firstly, produces significantly better results when you don’t cut your corners with keyword research and brief writing (a little bit similar to ChatGPT – how your success is reliant upon the quality of your prompt)… Secondly, one layer of human control is not enough. An AI-generated article has to be checked by at least two human beings. Otherwise quality will suffer.

Interested to find out more?

Book a quick no-obligation meeting to discuss if AI is the right solution for content production scale-up of your website. It’s not always the right way forward but there is certainly good potential for finding efficiencies that you didn’t know existed.

Arvid Linde

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