About White Cat SEO

We are a full-service digital marketing agency based in Bournemouth, United Kingdom. You can read more about our services here.

Contact us by phoning 01202 56 00 05.

White Cat SEO is a trading name of Alingtons Innovation Ltd, registered in England, reg number 12341197.

What’s with the cat?

It’s just a word-play on the popular “White Hat SEO” adage. It’s a popular term among the digital marketing folks, used to describe marketing methods that adhere to best practice and avoid shady tactics. Although ‘shady’ can work in short term, we prefer to do things proper, with a long-term vision in mind.

As a side note, if you’re looking for our privacy policy link, it’s here (not sure why you would but hey, gotta keep compliant).

Let’s Talk Marketing

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