It is a clever strategy-based marketing method whereby potential customers come to you as opposed of you trying to chase your potential customers. Most businesses have done the ‘chasing’ game for longer than they care to remember.
We call it outbound marketing and it involves cold-calling, cold-emailing, handing out leaflets, doorstep selling, putting oodles of money at risk by attempting to create a perfect newspaper ads and lots of other old-school marketing methods.
Don’t get us wrong, there is still place for outbound marketing methods, what’s more, we think outbound and inbound marketing should work hand in hand. What is rather alarming though, it’s the fact that so many businesses choose to ignore inbound marketing while there is so much evidence that it works like charm.
The uniqueness of inbound marketing lies in the entirely new relationship dynamics between the business and the customer. Eventually, it helps create a much more positive experience for both parties.
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Who is Inbound Marketing For?
Everyone. Whether you’re a B2B or B2C company, you will see results from inbound marketing as early as 6 months from the day you start. That’s why the best day to start is today.
B2B – Generate More Leads
Let’s look at some B2B sales stats. An average procurement officer will research more than 10 B2B blogs before making a decision. If your inbound marketing strategy is not strong enough, your blog won’t be among those 10 that s/he reads.
Also, B2Bs that publish successful blogs receive 67% more leads than similar businesses who don’t publish a blog or approach blogging incorrectly. What could a 67% increase in lead volume do for your business? If it sounds tempting, let’s talk and we can show you how to achieve your goals.
B2C – Sell to Fans
It’s safe to say that permission-based marketing can have a truly amazing conversion rate. Why wouldn’t it? You are selling to people who have asked you to sell your product to them. It sounds like a fairytale. The main entry barrier to permission-based marketing is the effort needed to build a list.
It sometimes takes years for businesses to build a list sizeable enough so that it could be used as a self-sufficient sales channel. The good news is that inbound marketing can help you get there in a fraction of time. We can tell you how.
The foundation principle of inbound marketing is the understanding that the company’s voice must connect with customers’ interest. To be able to align your voice with your fanbase, it’s important to understand who is your typical ideal customer.
When businesses try to create scatter-gun content for a random person who might be out there reading their blog, that’s when you get business owners complaining that blogging and social media is a big waste of money.
Buyer Persona
It all starts with Buyer Persona research. We use various sources of data to paint a portrait of your ideal customers, their age group, social standing, affinities, hobbies, interests. Every tiny detail is important in this process. Only when we know the interests and problems of the target audience, we can think how we can address their problems through your products or services.
Competitor Research and Market Research
Then it’s time to do some competitor research. There is free data lying around. Why not use it? With most things on the internet being so exposed, it’s fairly easy to piece together all the bits about things your competitors are doing right, and equally things they’re doing wrong.
Why learn from your own mistakes when you can learn from mistakes of others? This step is also very important for us as it helps us get our heads around the way your market niche works.
Strategy Blueprint
Now that we have a full picture of your market niche and your ideal target audience, it’s time to start thinking about marketing strategy. By using our state-of-the-art marketing ROI calculator, we can figure out your ideal marketing spend and which channels have a highest chance of converting.
Technical Requirements and Web Design
Based on previous steps we make provisions for your website to work perfectly as a marketing tool. Depending on the current state of your website, it can be as simple as making a few tweaks and designing a few new landing pages ranging to major overhauls or complete redesigns.
We have a very strong technical SEO background and we will not leave anything to chance. At this state we will also audit your current marketing and sales processes and toolset and if necessary, help redesign the processes to align them to the new inbound marketing way of thinking.
The main challenge is that there is so much information around. Every day 2.5 Exabytes of unique data is created on the global internet. That’s an equivalent of 90 years of HD Youtube videos. How do you not lose your voice in this constant stream of information?
The good news is that a huge portion of the 2.5 EB of data produced every day is low-quality information or good quality laid out in a way that internet users will simply skip it. A successful inbound marketing strategy will help you produce content that your ideal buyer persona wants and needs.
Another challenge is consistency. For inbound marketing to be successful everyone involved must buy into the concept fully and with a 100% commitment.
The initial strategy blueprint is only the first step towards the sales goals. Although good strategy is the key to success, on its own it’s just a piece of paper that has no monetary value whatsoever. There is no value in knowledge as such. It’s how you apply this knowledge that generates value.